Life Restored – Residents Encounter Christ


At Residents Encounter Christ, we are a nonprofit jail ministry dedicated to bringing hope and restoration to the lives of inmates. Our mission is to introduce them to the transformative power of Christ’s love and help them find a new path towards a better future.

Bringing Hope to the Incarcerated

For many inmates, life behind bars can be a dark and hopeless place. They may have made mistakes in the past that led them down the wrong path, but we believe that everyone deserves a chance at redemption. Through our programs and services, we aim to bring hope into the lives of those who have lost it.

Our dedicated team of volunteers works tirelessly to provide emotional and spiritual support to the incarcerated. We offer counseling, mentorship, and Bible study programs that help inmates find solace and guidance during their time in jail.

Transforming Lives Through Christ’s Love

At Residents Encounter Christ, we firmly believe in the power of Christ’s love to transform lives. We have witnessed countless stories of inmates who have experienced a profound change after encountering Christ.

Through our ministry, inmates are given the opportunity to reflect on their past actions and make amends. They learn about forgiveness, both from God and from themselves. This newfound understanding allows them to begin the journey of healing and restoration.

A New Path Towards a Better Future

Our ultimate goal is to help inmates find a new path towards a better future. We provide them with the tools and resources they need to reintegrate into society and become productive members of their communities.

Through vocational training programs, job placement assistance, and ongoing support, we empower inmates to break the cycle of crime and build a brighter future for themselves and their families.


Residents Encounter Christ is more than just a jail ministry. We are a beacon of hope for those who have lost their way. By bringing Christ’s love into the lives of inmates, we are restoring their hope, transforming their lives, and helping them find a new path towards a better future.

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